Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Bruce Springsteen…Your Music Sucks, and So Do Your Political Opinions


Bruce Springsteen sucks. Sorry, not sorry.  

Over the years, friends have said:  

“Hey, Bruce Springsteen will be in Los Angeles. Let’s go see him in concert!” 


I’d find an excuse not to go. I was washing socks that week; maybe I’d be out of town, something, anything, so I wouldn’t have to go. Then I just admitted that I didn’t want to go. Prices to see Springsteen were outrageous even back then, and, apparently, Springsteen would “springsteen” for three hours. His gravely voice and two-chord nonsense are not attractive to me. And his music sucks. Sorry, not sorry.  

And that was before he turned into a political cudgel. I’m old enough to remember when most of Hollywood and most of the music industry recognizable faces said they would move if Trump won in 2016. None of them did. Cher said she would move to Jupiter. She has an excuse, as Elon Musk hasn’t yet started his missions to even Mars. Even George Clooney didn’t move to his Italian villa. At least not permanently. The apocalypse they guaranteed would befall America because of Trump didn’t happen.   

Bruce Springsteen said he would move to Australia if Trump won in 2020. He didn’t move because Biden won. In November 2020, Springsteen was arrested for drunk driving, but that didn’t stop “Jeep” from featuring Springsteen in a Super Bowl Ad that was a stick in the eye to everyone who didn’t vote for Biden. Biden would bring a divided America together…or something.  



Biden, of course, did not unite – he divided us. Even more than his boss, Obama, he was the vindictive old man screaming, “Get off my lawn!” When Biden wasn’t screaming, he was doing his creepy whisper, claiming that half of America was a danger to democracy. Celebrities came out to support a clearly addled old man claiming that Biden would save “democracy” — if Trump wins again, the nation is doomed. Then, the addled old man showed America that he was an addled old man. The Shady Hills Retirement resident loaned out to the DNC showed us that he was incapable of filling out his Bingo card, so the Democrats inserted Kamala Harris into the slot. Harris had so little support four years ago that she dropped out before the California primary. She got precisely zero votes in the Democrat primaries, yet she is the nominee that Springsteen is, again, telling us will save America from the threat of Trump.  



Springsteen cut an ad telling us that Harris is the chosen one. There is no background music for this ad – no telling us that it’s “morning in America” with soothing music. The theme this year is clear: Elect Trump, and democracy is doomed. But why? Why is democracy doomed? Celebrities are always detached from facts when making the claim. Trump was president for four years, and although he was a “puppet of Putin” and an existential threat, democracy didn’t end. In fact, the economy was in great shape before the Floyd riots and COVID. We have a benchmark of what a Trump presidency would be. I kind of liked the no new wars and steady economy of Trump. I didn’t like Biden’s new wars, incompetence, open border, and garbage economy, but you be you, Bruce.  


The problem with Springsteen isn’t that his music sucks. It does. His opinions suck as well.  His threats about moving to Australia are hollow. I could respect him if, when Trump wins, he takes his two chords and multi-millions and moves. But he won’t. We all know he won’t. None of them will move. I know that because the last time Trump won, they all stayed and complained that America was toast.  

Born in the USA? Cool, move to the AUS. For me, you and your two chords won’t be missed.

This post was originally published on this site


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