Thursday, October 17, 2024

Cheney, Cuban Let Their TDS Fly in New, Deranged Comments


Liz Cheney is not just refusing to vote for Trump, or sit on the sidelines, she is actively campaigning for someone she pretty much called a “commie” four years ago.  


In a recent interview with Kristen Welker, Liz Cheney said this about supporting Harris.  


“Absolutely. And I would say the extent to which she and I certainly have had our disagreements. But when you look at the whole range of issues, for example, with respect to support for Ukraine, with respect to the fact that she is saying that the United states has to lead in the world, Donald Trump is embracing tyrants.  

Welker then asked: 

Do you regret any of the language that you used to describe Harris and Biden at the time? They would dismantle our freedom, destroy our history. The type of language you’re using now about Donald Trump?

Cheney’s response?

Look, I think certainly those were harsh things that I said. I think that they reflect absolutely that we had a policy disagreement on a series of issues. But I also think that’s why it’s so important for people to focus on the fact that I am supporting her now.” 

You might notice the warmonger Cheney could only cite Harris’ support for someone else’s war and her claim that Trump is embracing tyrants. You called her a commie a few years ago, Liz. 

TDS is a disease that rots the brain. I recently read a long tweet from a former Trump hater who had an excuse for TDS. She didn’t know any better. She then read more, listened more, and realized that she had been fed a lot of pablum and nonsense and outright lies. 


Cheney’s father, Dick Cheney, also has TDS. Most of them don’t care that Harris is a dope, or that her past policy positions were left- of-Lenin, they only care that she’s not Trump. If Liz had any principles she would “hold her nose” and vote for Trump. Or not vote at all. What I am certain of – as certain as the sun will rise tomorrow is that Trump, once elected, won’t call out the Army and round up Rachel Maddow and her buddies at MSNBC. 

Pro tip Rachel: He doesn’t care about you. He isn’t calling Mark Milley back to active service. He doesn’t care about that guy either. And, in 4 years he will leave the White House and go play golf. The doomsayers are, frankly, ridiculous

Mark Cuban recently sold his NBA team for a handsome profit, and with lots of extra time on his hands, he’s stepped into the leftist mosh pit and caught TDS. I don’t know if Trump called him “short” or insulted him in another way, but Cuban is at the Nike shoes or Kool-Aid cult stage of TDS. 

In other words, he’s not making any sense and sees things that aren’t there.  

On Wednesday, in an act of desperation, Kamala Harris went on Fox News. Although she didn’t have a Biden-like aneurysm on air, she didn’t do well. Most people thought she hurt herself. No one without TDS thought she did well. She didn’t answer direct questions got peeved at Baier for pressing her to answer and became shrill and angry. The male voters that she needed to win weren’t swayed by her performance. She didn’t look presidential. She looked and sounded like was about to throw a plate.  


Not to Cuban, though. HE morphed into Jill Biden after Joe’s public meltdown. 

You did great Kammy! You answered all the questions like a big girl!  

No. No, she didn’t. Cuban got smoked in the X replies, for his TDS and turning in Jill Biden. Just one: 

Get ready. If Trump wins there is going to be a meltdown. The audible angst from TDS suffers will be heard from space.  

God help us, because guaranteed, there will be blood – as in TDS suffers will be flogging themselves to clear the demons from their bodies. Cults are gonna cult. 

What will they do when the Orange “Anti-Christ” doesn’t end the world? In four years will know. Hide the Nikes and Kool-Aid.

This post was originally published on this site


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