Thursday, October 17, 2024

CNN Panel on Black, Hispanic Trump Support Goes Over a Cliff As Host Assists Former Obama Shill’s Attacks


Sara Sidner, co-anchor of CNN “News Central,” hosted a panel with Donald Trump supporter and WSB Atlanta radio host Shelley Wynter and former Democrat National Committee Vice Chair Michael Blake. The topic of discussion centered around former President and GOP nominee Donald Trump’s appeal to Black and Hispanic voters. Sidner acknowledged that the polls show Trump is making significant gains with Blacks and Hispanics, particularly among men, while Vice President and selected Democrat nominee Kamala Harris’ lack of appeal with these groups is evident in the fact that she is making little to no gains in those same polls. 


Sidner played a video clip from a Trump speech in Pennsylvania where he said, “Any African-American or Hispanic—and you know how well I’m doing there—who votes for Kamala… you gotta have your head examined, because they are really screwing you, they are really screwing you.” Trump received applause for this statement, but Sidner, who also corrected Trump’s pronunciation of “Kamala” (for the record, she said) framed Trump’s statement as “denigrating voters for making a choice that he does not like.” 

Wynter immediately challenged Sidner’s framing of the premise. He asked Sidner how Trump was denigrating voters. Sidner took issue with Trump saying they were being “screwed,” and appeared to have a hard time uttering the word. 

Wynter reframed it by saying that “screwed” was just another way of saying that these voters were being taken advantage of. They were paying more for food and gas, the basics of living, and seeing less and less return for their labor. Sidner countered that Trump’s statement that these voters needed to have “their head examined” is “not something that is a compliment.” 

Wynter shot back that this same tone and rhetoric was used by former President Barack Obama when he scolded Black men for their lackluster support of Kamala Harris, and even threatened to sic Michelle Obama on them. Wynter took it even further, using a famous quote by the late Civil Rights leader Malcolm X to, in his words, “boil the race down” to the lens the Black community is using in response to the candidates. 


It was at this moment that the panel went completely off the rails. 


For those not familiar with the Malcolm X speech from which Wynter pulled his analogy, here’s an excerpt:



Wynter’s use of this analogy was not only on point, but his commentary was insightful and informative. Had he been given a chance to fully express his thoughts, the CNN viewers would have had a chance to digest it, and agree or disagree. Instead, Sidner allowed Blake to interrupt, hijack, and filibuster Wynter; Blake is nothing more than a DNC apparatchik. 

As Wynter explained, it is the “Field Negroes” who do the hard work of keeping the engines of America running and do the heavy lifting for us, but these very men and women are being destroyed by inflation, having their wages diminished through the importation of illegal immigrants taking over their livelihoods, excessive energy prices, and being penalized for being free-thinking men and women of color. 

Fox News correspondent Lawrence Jones has been going to Black barbershops and talking to voters about the issues that are important to them, and asking them who they plan to support in this election.




Jones’ findings with some of the voters, who stated their support for Trump, are essentially what Wynter brought to light. People who work hard and have aspirations for their families recognize that they were better off under Trump, and also recognize that Kamala Harris is a part of the degradation that they have experienced over the last three-and-a-half years. These are the people who Wynter was talking about, but Blake and Sidner attacked his words and the analogy in order to dismiss his facts.  

On the other hand, Michael Blake is the perfect example of a modern-day “House Negro.” In 2006, straight out of college, Blake cut his teeth with the Democrat Party. He was head of minority outreach for then-Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. When Obama became president, Blake turned his winning strategies into a White House position. Like his former boss, Blake is heavily invested in keeping other Blacks on code. If Blacks decide to think for themselves and vote for their own best interest rather than voting for the approved Democrat candidate, then Blake has essentially outlived his usefulness. 

So, he did what any good Democrat does: he attacked Wynter as racist and condemned his words as denigrating, instead of addressing the actual facts that Blacks–and especially Black men–are not interested in party orthodoxy, and are rejecting the party’s candidate. Blake called Wynter a “Republican fool,” and told him he sounded “absurd and silly.” Blake even mocked Wynter by repeating his own name three times in response to Wynter saying, “Sir, Sir—Sir!” in his effort to get a word in. 


On brand, Blake lied about Trump’s policies and record, and rattled off the supposed Black bona fides of the selected Democrat nominee Harris, proclaiming that she has done more for Blacks than Trump hasWynter broke in on Blake’s diatribe, and asked him, “How has she helped Black people?” This is when Sidner broke in again, rebuking Wynter for his rebuttal, and letting Blake continue to spout his propaganda without interruption. 

Blake wasn’t going to answer the question because he knew about former San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris keeping two innocent men jailed for crimes that they didn’t commit. The many years then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris spent keeping prisoners past their release date in order to keep them as essentially slave labor, and the fact that she ruined the life of a Black mother over the truancy of her daughter who was often sick or hospitalized because of sickle cell disease.  

Once Blake finished making his spurious points, including claims that people were dying because of Donald Trump’s policies, Sidner said, “we’re going to leave this here.” Wynter asked, “Why aren’t you going to correct this misinformation?” Sidner did not respond and ended the panel.

Contrast this train wreck panel with Kamala Harris’ train wreck interview on Fox News, and the only question that remains is why Kamala Harris’ support is not cratering with voters everywhere, not just with Blacks and Hispanics.   


This post was originally published on this site


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