Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – October 22, 2024

‘Whatever you’re meant to do, do it now; the conditions are always impossible.’ Writer Doris Lessing’s words remind us that if we wait for the ‘right’ moment, we’ll never do anything! 

As Mercury moves from a link with Neptune to harmonise with Saturn, it’s an opportunity to work with fantasies and get ideas off the ground. 

Good foundations are key to success. With determination, nothing is impossible now.

Need to know your more? These spookily accurate birth charts, based on your unique birth placements will tell you everything you need to know. Simply enter your birth details and receive a completely personal Personal Birth Chart made just for you.

Read more horoscopes from MailOnline.


(March 21 – April 20)

The problem with jigsaws is that unless you’ve unwrapped a new one, you’re never 100% certain that the piece you’re searching for actually exists. It might be missing. And if you manage to get to the end of the puzzle, and the last piece isn’t there… aargh! Have you got the skills/equipment you need to complete a task? You’ve definitely embarked on a challenge. It demands time and focus. But you’ve got all the pieces you need. It’s just that you’re still in the process of fitting them into the right place. Persevere!

To find out what the planets have in store for you over the coming, critical next few months, download your Guide to the Future, now.

Oscar Cainer (pictured) reminds us that as Mercury moves from a link with Neptune to harmonise with Saturn, it's an opportunity to work with fantasies and get ideas off the ground


(April 21 – May 21)

All you can do is your best. Even if you don’t seem to be making progress, keep going. There are obstacles to get around; but hopefully, they’re not going to stop you. Know that your plan is good. Stay confident. Hold tight to what you know to be right. You’re worried that your efforts are being taken advantage of. That you’re putting in all the work while others are sitting back. But your resolve, and your desire to be impeccable, will stand you in good stead. The outcome will reward you with a priceless sense of achievement.

Want to know what the coming year has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!


(May 22 – June 22)

People who interpret dreams say that nightly imaginings which involve flying reflect our sense of freedom. If we’re soaring high, it indicates that we’re able to make independent decisions. And when those dream flights involve difficulties taking off, it’s because something in our real world is holding us back. Whether you can remember your recent dreams, or not, as your ruler, Mercury, links to Saturn (the cosmic teacher), it’s time to think about how free you feel. If you see yourself as unstoppable today, that’s what you’ll be.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you’ve been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what’s really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now!


(June 23 – July 23)

Since things are going favourably shouldn’t you be feeling happier? Then again, what’s the point of allowing yourself to feel positive? You’ve got plenty of evidence to prove that even when things go well, it’s not long before other tricky situations arise. And there are lots of artificial ways of changing our mood. Some people think a glass of wine makes them happy, even when things aren’t going their way. So, just because you’re feeling a bit flat doesn’t mean they’re not! Be hopeful. Your efforts are about to achieve a result.

Discover your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your ‘Guide to the Future’.


(July 24 – August 23)

Since beauty is meant to be in the eye of the beholder, maybe we should spend more time gazing into eyes? You’ve been involved in a complex decision-making process. The problem is that you’re happy with some choices. But worried about others (which others seem OK with other folk). Hmmm… have you got it wrong? Is their opinion less valid (or more informed) than yours? Look yourself in the eye today. Your viewpoint is relevant. But if you can compromise, you’ll find a beautiful solution that pleases everyone.

Learn the hidden secrets of the planets and how they affect your life and shape your future. Start your journey of self-discovery here!


(August 24 – September 23)

If you’d known what the consequences of your actions would be maybe you’d have done things differently. So, it’s a good job you didn’t know! You made an important decision. It led to a result. But that result isn’t definitive; it’s just part of a process. With hindsight you’ll see that you got the right outcome. And be able to appreciate the journey you’ve been on. As your ruler, Mercury, links with resilient Saturn, it enables you to assess where you are and see the positives. From here, the route forwards gets much easier.

Now, do you want to know more about what’s going to happen to you, when it’s going to happen and why? Get yourself a full, ‘spookily accurate’ horoscope birth-chart report, and you’ll find out. Download your Birth Chart report here!


(September 24 – October 23)

You’ve been involved in a chaotic situation. People with crazy ideas have been making so many ridiculous suggestions about how to resolve it that you feel swamped and uncertain about how to proceed. To be clear, you’re not responsible for the craziness. Nor, as you’re about to see, does this need to be a big problem. Suppose today, you let go of the notion that everything’s meant to make sense? If you step back, you’ll be able to join in with this game; and it will be much less stressful. Trust. It will work out fine. Soon.

There are powerful changes in store for you soon. What are they? How can you best prepare for them? Find out in a full horoscope birth-chart. It’s full of amazing predictions about you and your future. Get yours now.


(October 24 – November 22)

Do you really need a forecast to help you work out what the future holds? Can’t you see for yourself? Being a gifted Scorpio, with your premonition powers you’ve got a pretty good idea about what lies ahead. So presumably, you’re looking for backup. Or an alternative opinion. Since you’re feeling slightly daunted by what appears to be looming on your horizon, I understand why you’d like a different perspective. You can hardly believe your eyes. So… know that if it’s inspiring, go ahead. And if it’s not, you can change it.

Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!

Good foundations are key to success. With determination, nothing is impossible now


(November 23 – December 21)

Who needs to peel vegetables? The shops are packed with ‘ready meals’. And we can always get a delivery. But often, those prepared dinners are simple. It’s almost as easy (and definitely cheaper and healthier) to buy the ingredients and make it ourselves. Yet, we’re attracted by time-saving suggestions. And, when our experience is limited, we’ll happily take the easy option. You don’t need as much help as you think today. Something that looks complicated is, if you try, doable. And doing it will prove to be very satisfying.

Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.


(December 22 – January 20)

Have you been to one of those ‘Whodunit’ events? Everyone has a character part, which they have to stick to. And a script. As the evening progresses, the guests try to work out who did it. You feel a bit like you’re playing this game. You’re trying to figure out why something happened, and who masterminded it. Today, as Mercury (planet of intellect) links with your ruler, Saturn, you’ll uncover a vital clue. Once you get to the bottom of this mystery, you’ll be able to relax. Things are less complicated (and better) than you think.

Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!


(January 21 – February 19)

When your head’s saying ‘no’ but your heart’s saying ‘yes’, what are you meant to do? You enjoy thinking logically. But right now, no matter how hard you try, you can’t ignore a feeling. So, acknowledge it. If you pay it some attention it will almost certainly affect your course of action. But that could be a good thing. Today, as Mercury (intellect) links with responsible Saturn, you can reach an inner compromise. You feel split for a reason. And it’s a good one. Once you understand it, you’ll see why changing your stance is so positive.

Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.


(February 20 – March 20)

When people are asked what super power they’d like, some say X-ray vision. But, as with all these gifts, there are disadvantages as well as benefits. If we were able to see everything, what would happen to our sense of mystery? You don’t need a lycra suit in your wardrobe; you’ve got your own super powers. Your insight enables you to see straight through people’s facades. It sounds positive. But right now, you’re seeing more than it’s good for you to see. The Mercury/Saturn link enables you to step back and get a better perspective.

Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download ‘Your Guide to the Future’.

This post was originally published on this site


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