Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – October 23, 2024

Fresh from its alignment with Pluto, the Sun is exploring Scorpio. But perhaps ‘fresh’ is the wrong word. Emerging bruised, yet stronger for the experience, might be more appropriate! 

Yet although superficial interests might be fading, passions are building. We’ll find it easy to immerse ourselves in people and subjects that are close to our hearts. And the more we invest, the more they’ll thrive.

Need to know your more? These spookily accurate birth charts, based on your unique birth placements will tell you everything you need to know. Simply enter your birth details and receive a completely personal Personal Birth Chart made just for you.

Read more horoscopes from MailOnline.


(March 21 – April 20)

If we’re prepared to try hard enough most things are possible. That’s most things. But not all things. You need to take a good look at your latest grand idea and check whether it’s wildly unrealistic or just somewhat improbable. As long as it doesn’t fall into the first category, today brings ways to make it more feasible. These are likely to involve taking a more convoluted route than you’re anticipating; if you’re hoping for instant success, you need to reset your expectations. But don’t let that put you off. You can pull this off.

Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download ‘Your Guide to the Future’.

Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells us that, fresh from its alignment with Pluto, the Sun is exploring Scorpio. But perhaps 'fresh' is the wrong word. Emerging bruised, yet stronger for the experience, might be more appropriate


(April 21 – May 21)

Improvised jazz might sound like the musicians are spontaneously reacting and responding to one another. But achieving this effect takes hours of rehearsal. They practice solos. They explore variations. It’s only when they’re confident about their own part that they can deviate from it on the spur of the moment. You’re out of your comfort zone. And, since you’re under pressure to perform you don’t have the luxury of time to familiarise yourself with your script. But you’re sure of something. If you use it as your base, you’ll be fine.

To find out what the planets have in store for you over the coming, critical next few months, download your Guide to the Future, now.


(May 22 – June 22)

A lot depends on how you look at what’s unfolding in your world. From one perspective it’s less than ideal. But from the other, all things considered, it’s as good as it could be. The truth is that you’re dealing with a challenging set of issues, and you’re doing OK. Actually, you’re doing well. If you stop thinking that you’re responsible for all that’s not quite perfect, and quit putting yourself down, you’ll be in a much better frame of mind. Rather than focusing on what’s happened, you’ll be able to look ahead, and take resolving action.

Want to know what the coming year has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!


(June 23 – July 23)

It’s time to check the accuracy of your calculations. Have you added all the numbers that need to be added, and subtracted the ones that need to be taken away? Could you have inadvertently multiplied something that should have been divided? Or left a crucial figure out? Aargh. The complications of your current problem are enough to give you a headache. But if, rather than trying to come up with an answer, you accept the way things are, you’ll be able to relax. Take the pressure off today and the solution will appear.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you’ve been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what’s really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now!


(July 24 – August 23)

The trouble with learning to live with something unacceptable is that it becomes acceptable. Then, things have to seriously go downhill before we realise that we’re putting up with situations we shouldn’t be putting up with. Sometimes, of course, it’s healthy and wise to lower our standards and reset expectations. But there’s a big difference between consciously choosing to do that and crossing a line that shouldn’t be crossed. With your ruler, the Sun, in Scorpio, it’s worth checking your boundaries today. And respecting them.

Discover your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your ‘Guide to the Future’.


(August 24 – September 23)

When you’re desperate for something to happen, but it’s not happening, what are you supposed to think? Are the fates conspiring to prevent you from achieving what you want to achieve? Or have obstacles been carefully placed in your path so that you’re obliged to take a different/better route? When things don’t go your way, it’s easy to lose faith in the benevolence of the cosmos. Fortunately, with the Sun in transformational Scorpio, you’ll find inspiration in your current situation. Soon, you’ll know how to make progress.

Learn the hidden secrets of the planets and how they affect your life and shape your future. Start your journey of self-discovery here!


(September 24 – October 23)

Is there such a thing as natural justice? Surely, if it existed, people who did bad things wouldn’t get away with it? The life-force at the heart of the cosmos would ensure they were stopped in their tracks and that they received their just punishment? Think of all the time and money that would be saved. No need for the police. Or the law courts. But life on this ball of rock doesn’t work that way. Wrongs are eventually righted – but it takes time. You’ll be pleased to hear that a past injustice in your world is being slowly corrected.

Now, do you want to know more about what’s going to happen to you, when it’s going to happen and why? Get yourself a full, ‘spookily accurate’ horoscope birth-chart report, and you’ll find out. Download your Birth Chart report here!


(October 24 – November 22)

What’s so problematic about your current situation that you’re certain it won’t lead you to the outcome you desire? Has the cosmos put you on the ‘naughty list’? Is it determined to interfere with your journey towards a deserved, delightful destiny? Is someone in your world plotting to derail you? The reality is that the only person capable of having such a powerful effect is you. Now, the Sun is in your sign. Suppose you tap into its energy and change your attitude? If you relax today, you’ll see things are much better than they seem.

There are powerful changes in store for you soon. What are they? How can you best prepare for them? Find out in a full horoscope birth-chart. It’s full of amazing predictions about you and your future. Get yours now.

Yet although superficial interests might be fading, passions are building. We'll find it easy to immerse ourselves in people and subjects that are close to our hearts. And the more we invest, the more they'll thrive


(November 23 – December 21)

‘It’s like thunder, lightning, the way you love me is frightening. You’d better knock… knock, knock, on wood.’ The energy of this disco classic sums up your astrological outlook. With Venus (love and abundance) in your sign, your luck is on the up. Your task is to direct it to the issues in your world that need a helping hand. Whenever you doubt your ability to transform a difficult situation, find a tree (or something that used to be a tree). If you approach any challenges with energy and enthusiasm, you’ll succeed.

Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!


(December 22 – January 20)

Although you feel like you’re standing on the edge of a precipice, you’re poised on the threshold of success. Yes, you find yourself in a tricky situation. Other people might well walk away and reposition themselves on less-challenging terrain. But they’re not Capricorns. They haven’t got your resilience. Or your resolve. When you combine your determination with the insight today brings, you’ll be more than able to cope, and move from where you are towards success. Just don’t make any rash decisions. And trust your judgement.

Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.


(January 21 – February 19)

‘We are stardust, we are golden.’ Joni Mitchell reminded us of what humans are composed of. Most of the elements of our bodies were formed in the cosmos billions of years ago. It’s a staggering thought – which is worth remembering today. On a quantum level, you’re truly extraordinary and magical. And if you expect your life to reflect those qualities, the celestial powers will work with you to manifest them in your world. The Sun, in mysterious Scorpio, enables you to look beyond the mundane and tap into magic.

Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!


(February 20 – March 20)

Some people (even some astrologers) think that life is predestined. Others (including me), believe that we have freedom to choose. What do you think? Suppose you’re predestined to get to a point where you have to decide between these two different concepts? Life seems to throw us into situations where we have to consider confusing, psychological issues. You might feel like you’ve got the power to make a decisive decision today. But to keep everyone happy, you might choose to let others think that they’re in control!

Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.

This post was originally published on this site


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