Friday, October 18, 2024

Ellen DeGeneres Derides Trump As Anti-LGBTQ, Gets Slam-Dunked in Replies


There’s a reason “shut up and sing” is a truism. Show business people are famous for their grandstanding on political issues they don’t know anything about. One need look no further than the hooraw about climate to see that – not to mention the hypocrisy of show-business people rushing off to climate conferences in a carbon-spewing private jet or perhaps a massive mega-yacht.


But once in a while, a comment jumps up and bites one of these people, and that’s fun to see. The most recent one was Ellen DeGeneres, who made a jab at former (and it’s beginning to look like future) President Donald Trump, implying he was anti-LGBT. At the Daily Caller, commentary and analysis writer Gage Klipper has some thoughts on the topic:

The famous comedienne posted some boilerplate LGBT agitprop Tuesday on her Instagram. It features a picture of what appears to be a young boy in drag queen style make-up with the words, “you can’t tell someone you love them and then vote for someone who will hurt them” written on his cheek.

The replies were, to put it bluntly, brutal. Ellen DeGeneres seems to have a common flaw in show business people; that is the assumption that, if they are 1) rich and famous, and b) a member of a certain identifiable group, then it stands to reason that they should be the one to speak for every member of that group. The commenters had a wake-up call for Ellen:

“I’m gay and I’m voting for Trump. Do I hate myself absolutely not. Messages like these are what spreads hate,” reads the top comment on the post, racking up over 33,000 likes as of Wednesday morning.

“As a lesbian. I had more under Trump. He’s got my vote,” reads another top comment with over 7,000 likes.

“Lesbian for trump right here baby,” another woman agreed.

You can scroll and scroll and still not find a comment in support of Ellen’s unhinged position. As one commenter rightly noted, “Vote Trump seems to be the reoccurring theme here.”


Most of us know some gay people. My wife and I have two friends, Vinnie and Mike, who have been together for over 20 years. If you met them in public and engaged them in normal conversation, you would never know they were gay. They don’t wear their sexuality on their sleeves; they don’t primarily identify themselves by who they sleep with. They are just… people. They live quietly, they put gas in their cars, they buy groceries, they pay their electric and gas bills, and like everyone else in the United States right now, they are concerned with how much all of this is costing them – and how things were just a few short years ago.

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Most gay people are like this – not pink or purple-haired, face-pierced nuts screeching at a Gay Pride parade. Most of them just live their lives, keep their private lives private – like a lot of us straight people do. Donald Trump, Ellen’s comments notwithstanding, seems to understand this. On Tuesday, Trump reached out to a crowd, showing why he’s gaining support from quarters that have Democrats more than a little nervous:


“Where’s Gays for Trump?” Trump asked the crowd at a campaign event Tuesday, while a group off camera cheered in response.

“You don’t look gay,” Trump responded playfully, as the crowd erupted in laughter.

Trump thinks about gay Americans like he does any other American: They’re just normal people. Being gay doesn’t mean you have to be a left-wing lunatic, fear mongering with divisive tactics like Ellen or normalizing the weird fetish rituals that Democrats cheer on during Pride Month. You can simply look and act like everyone else and vote on your interests rather than identity.

Voting on one’s interests, rather than their sexuality – imagine that.

Ellen DeGeneres made a careless social-media post and got slam-dunked, and we can hope she learned something from it. Most people don’t identify themselves by any one characteristic. Most people don’t feel the need to parade their sex lives in public, and most people don’t care to hear about other people’s sex lives, whether they be straight, gay, or anyone else. Most people prefer to just be treated like people. Donald Trump seems to get that. Ellen DeGeneres sure doesn’t.

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