Friday, September 20, 2024

Even Dana Bash Delivers Damning Remark About Harris’ Performance During CNN Interview


CNN’s Dana Bash is doing interviews and events because she’s trying to promote her new book, “America’s Deadliest Election,” about the election of 1872. 

I wrote about how she got ambushed by radical protesters at a bookstore event in D.C., where they screamed their heads off at her about Gaza, calling her “Bloody Bash” and accusing her of killing people and genocide. Jake Tapper came to her defense on X and got an interesting reaction from the radical left, who then attacked him too, and from the right, who said the Democrats were responsible for helping to incite/create radical protesters, noting that even Joe Biden and Walz claimed they had a point or were “speaking out for the right reasons.” 


READ MORE: WATCH: CNN’s Dana Bash Gets Ambushed by Protesters at Bookstore Event

YIKES: Tim Walz’s Remarks About Gaza Just Revealed
Why They Don’t Want Him Answering Questions

Bash also did an interview with Aidan McLaughlin on Press Club, where she spoke about the book and about her interview with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. 

McLaughlin said that Harris seemed to be having a hard time answering the obvious questions that she was going to get. “She struggled to say what she would do on day one.” He noted she had “sort of an evasive answer when you asked her about fracking.” He also pointed out Walz’s answer about his false comments about service in combat. Walz said he spoke candidly when “obviously, he didn’t speak candidly, that was the whole problem,” McLaughlin said. 

“Did you get a sense that they were ready for these kind of questions?” McLaughlin asked Bash. 

“I feel like she’s going to need to have better answers if she’s going to have any chance of success,” he said. He observed that Bash had to ask multiple questions twice. He felt they weren’t really answering the questions; they were answering “what they wanted the question to be” and it “came off as evasive.” 

(Just a note: This has a couple of clips edited together, but is accurate and doesn’t change the nature of what was said. It eliminates a discussion about fracking, which you can see in the longer video at the end of this story.)


Bash claimed she “tried” — which sounds weak on her part — but she confirmed that they were being evasive. “Once you ask once, fine, twice, fine, three times, if you don’t get a clear answer, that’s kind of your answer.”  

Translation? Even she is admitting Harris was ducking questions. 

McLaughlin also asked how she and CNN got the interview. 

Bash basically said she didn’t know, but she wasn’t questioning it. Maybe she should — that’s part of her job. Maybe it’s because she didn’t press Harris enough and wouldn’t hold her feet to the fire? 


But if even they admit that Harris and Walz are being evasive, the pair are going to be in trouble with the electorate. 

You can see the full interview here. 


This post was originally published on this site


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