Thursday, October 17, 2024

Harris and Fox, Painful to Watch


So, it was painful, and I knew it would be, but I just watched the Fox News interview with Vice President Kamala Harris. It was about what I expected, so I was not disappointed. It was much shorter than I’d hoped, about 25 minutes, and didn’t allow for many of the follow-up questions (and answers) I think we all deserved to hear, but here’s my take on it.


First, a lot of overtalk and crosstalk. I hate that. I noticed that Harris got irritated with Bret Baier for interrupting and kept saying, “I’m going to finish my sentence,” or things to that effect. But if she’d put forth more effort into giving direct answers up front, he probably would not have had to interject his questions again. 

Harris got rattled. She’s not used to anybody pressing her for answers, and at one point, she started barking about “Democracy” Democracy!” I could hear her voice start to quiver. Not a good look for someone who may have to deal with Putin, Kim, or Ayatollahs.

Blubber. Lots of blubber packed into her answers. It’s like when you get a fatty chunk of meat. It takes you five minutes to chew it up, and when you spit out the fat, all you have is a tiny shred of protein left. Harris spoke in vagaries and filibustered a lot. Probably a reason for this. They get her there 15 minutes late so she can leave early, which she did, and I imagine her staff figured she could talk in circles for at least that long before they could get her to the extraction point with a “hard break.”

“To Be Clear”…anytime somebody in politics says this, you know they’re spinning or lying. See KJP. See Harris. See Pinocchio.

At one point, Baier played a clip of a woman testifying in Congress whose daughter the Biden-Harris border policy got killed and then wanted to know if Harris owed the woman an apology. Harris gave an insincere answer about how sorry she was for this tragedy, but in spite of the interviewer’s pressing, Harris never apologized.*


(* I usually don’t assign motive to peoples’ actions or replies, but in this case, I will. I say Harris’ response was insincere because had it been sincere, she would have at the least apologized for her role in it and, at the most, done something as border czar to seal up the border. So she was full of it.)

Still, though possibly rude and unprofessional, it would have been gratifying to see Baier give Harris a taste of the ol’ Socratic Method.

“Do you owe this woman an apology?”

“I feel terrible for her loss.”


“Why??? It was a tragedy! What do you mean, Why?”

“Why do you feel terrible?…it happened because a man came here illegally and was allowed to stay in the country because your policy on illegal aliens permits them to do just that. They aren’t vetted and are released into the country to do whatever they will with a court date years away. He shouldn’t have been here in the first place and ought to have been turned away when he was first encountered at the border. Do you regret having a policy that allows for instances like this killing to occur?”

Well, at that point, she probably would have gotten up and left, but that would have gone viral. Sorry, Bret. Should have pulled the trigger on that. Had nothing to lose.

The Most Devastating Moments of Kamala Harris’ Train Wreck Fox Interview

HOT TAKES: Kamala’s Awkward Fox News Interview Blasted by Megyn Kelly,
JD Vance, and More


Behind the Scenes, Courtesy of Bret Baier: Team Harris Tried to
‘Ice the Kicker’ Before Kamala Interview

Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump! If Harris went on Fox to sway independents who watch that network, she must think that independents are all lemmings. Which…sort of contradicts the idea of an independent voter. I suspect most independents identify as such because they either want to separate themselves from the crowd, or really have considered the two-party platforms and don’t fully accept everything in either one. Surely, for those people, they are at least thoughtful enough to realize that almost four years into your administration, you cannot get away with blaming the guy who came before you. I suspect that if the Founders only allowed for a two year presidential term, Harris could have made this one stick. But they didn’t because they were smart, and Harris is not. 

A number of answers given by Harris were “I will follow the law.” Like government funding for sex change operations for incarcerated people and some other stuff. It makes one wonder why that promise is situational because she is not following this law:  8 U.S. Code § 1325 – Improper entry by alien. Would have been interesting to see Baer press her on that.

More Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Harris said that Trump suggested employing the US military against  US citizens and screeded on that one for a while. I don’t recall when he ever did that, but I didn’t dive too far into it. However, I wonder if she scolded Biden for his threats to use F-15s against us as well. Remember! Safety Dog says Consistency Counts.


I could probably find more stuff to pick on if I watched the interview again, but I can’t stand her voice, so I will just finish with this. These are the words that came out of the Harris mouth. This is the LIne for the Ages. This will be the nucleus for Trump’s most effective ad campaign for the next three weeks. Maybe this is why the Harris people suddenly yanked her out of there with a hard break.

“You got to take responsibility for what happened in your administration.”

This doesn’t need further commentary. It stands on its own.

This post was originally published on this site


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