Friday, September 20, 2024

It Sure Seems Like the Media Is Trying to Get Trump and More of His Followers Killed


Now, I’m just going to come right out of the gate and address most people’s first impressions. “That headline is a very incendiary statement,” you might be thinking.


Maybe. But it appears to be true. And a bold statement of that nature doesn’t make it any less true.

The media are the enemy of the American people. And it certainly seems as though they’re trying to get President Trump and/or his followers killed.

It can be proven using their own rhetoric – some over the past several years, and some in the past few days as yet another assassination attempt came to light.

How many times since 2016 did you see headlines in which the legacy media insisted – nay, demanded – Donald Trump denounce every act of violence they reported on? Over and over again? Setting the bar such that if he didn’t push back forcibly enough, then he would be branded an accessory to murder.

Think I’m kidding? MSNBC once used Nancy Pelosi and Joy Reid, individuals with the mental capacity of a rock, to help spread claims that Trump’s calls for his supporters to “peacefully” make their voices heard on January 6th meant he could be charged as an “accessory” to murder.

The New York Times last year ran a column with a headline stating: “Donald Trump is Going to Get Someone Killed.”

The author of that column, CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin, noted that Trump’s “language is an imminent threat to his rhetorical targets and those around them.”


If rhetoric equates to murder, if downplaying violence helps spread violence, then the media is guilty right now.

They’re trying to get Donald Trump killed.

NBC News, following the second assassination attempt against Trump in two months, reduced the arrest of the latest would-be gunman to a “golf club incident.”

MSNBC analyst Frank Figliuzzi, a top FBI official during the Obama administration, suggested Trump is courting danger by daring to continue playing golf.

Figliuzzi has contributed to rhetoric in the past that would help fuel psychos with a penchant for shooting political leaders by once claiming Trump was giving off secret coded messages of “Heil Hitler” to White Supremacists and Nazis.

Rachel Vindman, a podcast host who has the misfortune of being married to perpetual Golden Corral customer of the month, Alexander Vindman, joked about the latest assassination attempt by referencing the first and reducing it to Trump’s ear being “harmed.”


You may recall that a Trump supporter was killed at that rally, while two others were critically wounded. But it’s all a joke to Rachel.

NBC News host Lester Holt softened the outrage over the Trump assassination attempt by essentially saying the former President was asking for it.

“Today’s apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump, his running mate JD Vance continue to make baseless claims about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, resulting in bomb threats,” Holt said.

The only thing “baseless” is everything produced during an NBC News report on a nightly basis.

Not to be outdone, MSNBC anchor Alex Witt advised the GOP nominee to start “toning down” his own rhetoric, failing to see the irony in such a suggestion when your own network has compared Trump to Hitler.

The media that tells its viewers on a nightly basis that Trump is a racist, that Trump is a threat to democracy, that he is a fascist, the second coming of Der Führer, thinks his rhetoric is the problem.

Sorry, media firefighters, you’re the actual problem here. You’re the threat to democracy, producing nightly reports masquerading as news segments that have radicalized the left to the point where they feel emboldened to open fire on the current Republican nominee for president.


They helped create and are likely creating more Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ryan Wesley Rouths as we speak.

Jihadists couldn’t make better radicalization videos than what the American media is producing right now.

Remember, you don’t hate the media nearly enough as you think you do, or you should, for that matter.

Yes, they’ve fomented an environment where it is acceptable to make an attempt on Trump’s life. Yes, they’re downplaying these attempts to blunt support for the most persecuted man in the country today. Yes, they’re hoping that their coverage softening these attacks will, in the event – God forbid – that one of their unhinged viewers tries to kill him again, create a narrative that he was the one asking for it.

Yes, by their own rules, they’re trying to get him killed.

They already have Trump’s blood on their hands. The media needs to stop before more is spilled.

This post was originally published on this site


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