Friday, September 20, 2024

Jonathan Turley Drops Timely Reminder After Hillary Clinton’s ‘Crushingly Ironic’ Call to Jail Opposition


Not that it was exactly surprising considering her history, but Hillary Clinton‘s call Monday to jail and prosecute Americans for alleged “propaganda” (aka WrongThink) nevertheless raised quite a few eyebrows.


As RedState reported, the twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate, still bitter about her loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, appeared for an interview on MSNBC with far-left host Rachel Maddow when the remarks were made. 

“But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of [Russian] propaganda. And whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence,” Clinton, who has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign, proclaimed.

READ MORE: Hillary Clinton Goes Wild With Disturbing Comments on Trump and Free Speech, JD Vance Responds

Clinton, as RedState readers will recall, is no stranger to proposing alarming, fascistic “solutions” to taking care of the little problem of dissenting voices, like her infamous call for a “formal deprogramming of the [MAGA] cult members” in 2023.

But as George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley also explained in tweets and a new write-up, it was “crushingly ironic” for Clinton to go there considering her role in the discredited Steele Dossier:


Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald was on the same wavelength:

The best solution for alleged “misinformation” was explained well by my colleague, Brandon Morse, on the VIP side:

The best way to filter out misinformation is to gather the people and let them hash out the truth themselves. This is the natural way of truth finding in most cases, as attempts to hide the truth are usually failures due to what’s called the “Streisand Effect.” 

The left can’t have this, though, because they’ve been so successful in shutting down debate and discussion in the past through intimidation, shaming, race-card playing, threats to cancel, and all the rest – oftentimes with the blessing and backing of Big Tech and Big Media.


What’s happening now is that the left is in the midst of losing its near-iron grip on being able to control national narratives via their traditional means (social media, the press, bullying by special interest groups, use of official government resources, etc.). 

The more they lose that control, the more voices you’re going to hear like Clinton’s calling for political opponents to be thrown in prison for the crime of having a different opinion and expressing it openly – which is all the more reason to get louder every time they say shut up or else.

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Gets Some Timely History Lessons After Accusing Senate GOP of Impeachment ‘Cover-Up’

This post was originally published on this site


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