Thursday, September 19, 2024

Kamala Surrogate Compares Abortion Services in Her State to the Underground Railroad


The utter depravity of the Democrat Party when it comes to abortion was on display yet again this week, this time via the woefully ignorant comments made by high-profile Kamala Harris surrogate, Michelle Lujan Grisham (who also happens to be the governor of New Mexico and, apparently, a pervert). 


Lujan Grisham was stumping for Harris in Loudoun County, Virginia, on Monday when she bragged to the media that, in the wake of the Roe v. Wade reversal, 75 percent of the abortions performed in her state were done on out-of-state women. In Lujan Grisham’s mind, that’s exactly like the Underground Railroad: 

“We literally now have an underground operation, not unlike something we’re all familiar with, the Underground Railroad, to try to make sure that we get to women and their families early,” the gov told the crowd of about 30 at the Northern Virginia Democratic headquarters.

The nicest thing that can be said for this statement is that she correctly used the word “woman” instead of the insidious “uterus bearers” slur typical of leftists.

Her remark about the Underground Railroad is, of course, ludicrous on its face. There’s nothing more pro-life in American history than the Underground Railroad, which saved more than an estimated 100,000 runaway slaves and gave them passage to a life of freedom. Harriet Tubman, herself a runaway slave, worked with a network of abolitionists to defy the law of the time and helped to set the nation on the path to righting the grave civil rights injustice that was slavery.

This apparently needs to be said for the likes of Michelle Lujan Grisham, so here goes: The Underground Railroad saved lives. It saved men, women, and children from the bleakest of futures as slaves. It gave them new life.


Which brings us to the biggest civil rights issue of modern times: abortion. The taking of new life. It’s estimated that nearly one million new lives are lost to abortion in the U.S. every year. Of those one million abortions performed every year, it’s thought that 40 percent are given to black women. 

The numbers are staggering.

Benjamin Watson, former NFL player, preacher, and ardent pro-life activist, wrote in 2023 of these statistics:

Black women are nearly four times as likely to have an abortion as their white counterparts. Recent studies have found that for every 100 live births, nearly 12 white babies will be aborted, while nearly 43 black babies will die by abortion for every 100 live births.

Watson eloquently noted:

The desire for freedom, life, and justice did not wane during enslavement. On the contrary, it motivated men, women, and children who endured the horrors of the peculiar institution to grasp the promise of reconstruction and the more recent prosperity of a burgeoning black middle class.

And there’s a steep price to paid for women of all races and classes who seek abortions, which, weirdly, was voiced by Lujan Grisham herself: “Sometimes if we save their lives, we’ve also ruined any opportunity for them to have a child of their own when they’re ready to have a child of their own.” That’s apparently a price she is willing to pay in order for her state to be an abortion mecca, and it’s gruesome.


This post was originally published on this site


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