Friday, October 25, 2024

Kari Lake Hits the Shock Collar After Ol’ Dog Bill Clinton Barks That She’s ‘Physically Attractive’


Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake (R) delivered an amusing response to Bill Clinton after learning the former President had described her as “physically attractive” during a campaign event with her opponent.


Clinton was comparing and contrasting Lake to Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) when he came up with one positive thing he could say about the Republican – her appearance. 

“You’ve got a person that grew up under sometimes challenging circumstances, who made something of his life, running against someone who is physically attractive but believes that politics is a performance art,” Clinton oddly remarked.

And, if you can believe it, it actually got worse from there.

Clinton added that Lake, “like JD Vance … has to be prostrate before the master.”

He added a little bit of a curtsy for effect.

Can you even imagine, for a second, if Donald Trump had said something even vaguely similar about a woman on the Democrat side of the aisle?

Judging any woman by “physical appearance” alone would have earned him a 24/7 rebuke in the media as a misogynist. And frankly, it’d be near impossible to convey the hair-on-fire response if he dared to say a female political opponent was “prostrate before the master.”

Lake handled the comments with class and aplomb, knocking Clinton out using his own history of being a womanizer.

“I woke up to this news this morning,” she said at her campaign rally today. “First of all, you know what, as a middle-aged woman, I’m flattered, okay? I don’t get those kinds of compliments every day.”


“Two – I thought I was a little too old for him. Doesn’t he like interns?” Lake shot back.

“Three, I’m happily married to my husband, Jeff, who’s right down here. The love of my life,” she continued. “And four – nobody in their right mind wants to cross Hillary Clinton. It’s just dangerous.”

One can almost envision Hillary, looking similar to Kathy Bates in Misery, sledgehammer in hand, ’bout to hobble somebody. Yeah, you don’t want that noise.

It should be noted that it is roundly understood that the 78-year-old Clinton does like the ladies a little on the younger side. Don’t believe me? Just ask Johanna Sjoberg, a victim of late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who said in a deposition that he had told her: “Clinton likes them young, referring to girls.”

As to Lake’s reference regarding interns, our readers are probably well-familiar with that case. Clinton, of course, had an affair with Monica Lewinsky in the White House, a scandal that rocked the political world in the 1990s. It was a relationship that would eventually lead to his impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice as he tried to cover up his actions.

The affair between Clinton and Lewinsky was widely seen as an abuse of power on the part of the then-President, due to their career positions and age difference.


‘Slick Willie’ was 49 at the time, while Lewinsky was just 22.

“Clinton likes them young.”

Clinton was also accused of multiple infidelities, sexual assaults, and even rape by Juanita Broaddrick, a former nursing home owner.

Having the former President on the campaign trail has thus far been an unmitigated disaster for the people he’s been tasked with helping. Vice President Kamala Harris can certainly attest.

At an event on Wednesday, Clinton referred to Harris as “extremely vulnerable” and tied her closely to President Biden, something she’s been trying to avoid in the weeks leading up to the election.

Prior to that, he dropped some accidental truth in admitting Laken Riley might not have been murdered by an illegal alien under the Biden-Harris administration if he had been “properly vetted.”

Polls indicate that Lake is trailing Gallego, though the numbers are tightening a bit as we inch closer to election day.

This post was originally published on this site


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