Friday, September 20, 2024

Opinion: Democrats Are the Reason Why School Shootings Are ‘a Fact of Life’


The media’s recent lies about Sen. JD Vance’s (R-OH) comments about the tragic school shooting in Georgia only serve to highlight the reality that the anti-gunner left is the primary obstacle to employing solutions that will protect children in class.


Vance chimed in on the tragedy that occurred on Wednesday when a 14-year-old opened fire at Apalachee High School, killing four people and wounding several more. “I don’t like that this is a fact of life,” Vance said, arguing that “if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets.”

The vice-presidential candidate argued in favor of installing more security measures in schools to deter or stop would-be school shooters in the future. Naturally, the media deliberately distorted Vance’s words to make it appear as if he suggested that we should simply accept school shootings as normal instead of taking action, as RedState’s Bob Hoge pointed out.

But here was the Associated Press headline about the event: JD Vance says school shootings are a ‘fact of life,’ calls for better security.

They’ve now changed it, and as of this writing, it says, JD Vance says he laments that school shootings are a ‘fact of life’ and calls for better security. Notice the addition of the word “laments.”

Now, you might accuse me of nitpicking, and say that the AP accurately reported some of the words that Vance actually said. But I would submit to you that the several words they left out change the meaning of his remarks entirely and make it seem like he’s just some cold-hearted Republican MAGA Monster who’s just gotten used to school shootings and isn’t all that concerned about them.


This is an example of how the media typically lies not by making up facts out of whole cloth, but by purposefully omitting information, words, or context that does not fit the narrative they wish to present to their viewers and readers.

The implication is that heartless Republicans like Vance are the reason we can’t stop school shootings or similar atrocities. The truth is that it is Democrats who stand in the way of progress in this regard.

There are people who genuinely believe that more restrictions on firearms would decrease incidents such as what happened at Apalachee High School. They are wrong but sincere. But what is telling about how the anti-gunners approach this debate is that they reject all other possible solutions that don’t involve making it more difficult for law-abiding people to keep and bear arms.

If you happen to support gun control and your real objective was to protect children, why would you not push for gun control and heightened security measures in schools? Common sense tells us that armed security personnel, metal detectors, cameras, and other strategies are effective when it comes to deterring or stopping threats. It is the reason why we employ these measures in city halls, courthouses, and other facilities.


Yet, anti-gunner Democrats reject these tactics despite not having solid arguments against them. Instead, they focus solely on restricting firearms, arguing that banning “assault weapons” and passing other types of anti-gun laws are the ultimate solution.

The reason why it seems nearly impossible to safeguard our schools is that whenever a school shooting occurs, Democrats distract from the pursuit of real solutions by focusing the debate on gun control. The anti-gun left has become the biggest obstacle to progress in this regard because they view school shootings as an opportunity to attack their political opponents rather than a problem to be solved.

This post was originally published on this site


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