Thursday, September 19, 2024

Pro-Life Laws Didn’t Kill Amber Thurman, the Abortion Industry Did


We’re less than seven weeks out from election day, so you all might want to steel yourselves for the inevitable rhetoric around abortion that’s guaranteed to come your way. Courtesy of the Democrats, of course, whose agenda and messaging have for years centered on “abortion rights” and “reproductive health.” It’s their thing; they are ghouls who think they’re championing women.


The thing is, the pro-abortion cabal are extremely anti-woman. 

Take the very sad case of Amber Thurman, a woman from Georgia who died in 2022 after suffering complications from the abortion pills she was given by a “reproductive health” facility. The first pill, mifepristone, was given to Thurman at a clinic in North Carolina; she was given the second pill, misoprostol, to take at home. Within a few days of taking the second pill, Thurman went to a local hospital seeking treatment for a number of issues, including bleeding, vomiting up blood, fainting spells, a high white blood cell count, and low blood pressure.

Amber Thurman became campaign fodder after the leftist “investigative journalism” site ProPublica published a story on her last week, and Democrats like Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris have been exploiting and grossly misrepresenting Thurman’s death this week. You notice how Democrats never care about women dying from botched abortions until it makes for convenient campaign material?

The left is trying desperately to spin the story as the first abortion-related death following the reversal of Roe v. Wade. They are lying, of course. Abortionists set the sad chain of events in motion, and inadequate health care failed to fix the destruction brought on by the abortion pills in time to save Thurman.


The American Association of Pro Life OBGYNs (AAPLOG) tweeted a very detailed explanation of what actually happened to Amber Thurman, laying out how it all could have been avoided and how pro-life state laws did not prevent her from getting adequate medical care. 

It’s worth a look if you’re on X, but here are some key takeaways:

  • Amber presented with probable endometritis due to incomplete abortion with probable sepsis
  • The standard care for treatment in this case is immediate antibiotics and a D&C
  • Antibiotics weren’t given until Amber had been at the hospital over three hours
  • The D&C wasn’t performed until the next day; Amber died on the operating table
  • Georgia law does not criminalize doing a D&C, especially when there is a lack of a fetal heartbeat

It’s important to note that the left is lying through their teeth when they claim the D&C delay was due to the hospital staff not knowing if performing a D&C was legal or not. The AAPLOG described the Amber Thurman case as “one of the most clearcut cases of medical malpractice” they have ever seen. Its CEO, Dr. Christina Francis, had this to say on Tuesday:

Amber Thurman’s tragic death, recently covered by multiple news organizations, was caused by side effects of legal abortion drugs and medical negligence, not pro-life laws. Despite taking the drugs as she was instructed and seeking timely care when she experienced complications, she still died. Rather than highlighting the dangers of these drugs, which have caused numerous deaths, abortion proponents are instead trying to blame Georgia’s laws in their push to protect induced abortion at all costs.

Make no mistake: all state abortion bans currently in effect contain exceptions to “prevent the death” or “preserve the life” of the pregnant person,” according to KFF. Amber Thurman’s state of Georgia clearly allows physicians to intervene in medical emergencies or when there is no detectable fetal heartbeat, both of which applied to her. Don’t be misled by those who advocate for induced abortion over the health and safety of women.


So, no, pro-life laws did not kill Amber Thurman.

Yes, the hospital deserves scrutiny for how badly they handled this case, but what about the “reproductive health” clinic that gave the abortion pills to Amber? Why aren’t they also held responsible? If they are truly providing health care services, why didn’t they monitor her to make sure she was okay after taking the second pill? How is it pro-woman to help a woman kill her baby, then leave her to cope alone with the repercussions of a botched abortion? Sick stuff.

The sad fact is that pregnant women and their unborn babies don’t matter to the abortion industry. They are useful only as political tools wielded by the left to score points and scare women. As one very astute pro-life woman on X noted (see below), women died from abortion complications before Roe v. Wade, after Roe v. Wade and continue to die since Roe v. Wade has been overturned. Pro-life laws didn’t make this happen, the abortion industry did. And now they’re exploiting those deaths — deaths they kept mum about previously — in order to win elections and keep the money flowing.

What happened to Amber Thurman is horrifying. Worse yet, she left behind a young son who now faces life without his mother and his two siblings (yes, she was pregnant with twins). The callous disregard for life shown by the abortion industry and its cheerleaders in the Democrat Party is something all voters should remember when they go to the ballot box on November 5th.


This post was originally published on this site


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