Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Sex scandal billionaire Richard White settles court case with ‘lover’ Linda Rogan as WiseTech share price plummets

Tech billionaire Richard White has settled his legal dispute with a beauty entrepreneur who claimed the $13.1million mansion he bought when they were lovers was intended for her.

Shares in Mr White’s company WiseTech Global plummeted while he was doing battle with Linda Rogan in the Federal Court, with $6billion wiped from the company’s market value on Monday over fears of claims against him.

Adverse publicity about Mr White led the WiseTech board to review ‘the full range of matters’ in recent media reports, while ‘seeking further information and taking external advice’.

WiseTech shares fell 15 per cent on Monday before Mr White’s fight with Ms Logan ended when she filed a notice of discontinuance with the Federal Court.

A spokesman for Mr White told The Australian newspaper: ‘Mr White and Ms Rogan have settled the Federal Court proceedings which related to a commercial dispute.

‘Ms Rogan has withdrawn all her allegations, and the parties are not pursuing any further court action.

‘Given this was a personal matter Mr White has settled to avoid any distraction from his primary focus which is on implementing WiseTech’s growth strategy and continuing to create value for its shareholders and customers.’

Ms Logan had claimed Mr White, whose estimated $9.7billion wealth dropped by about $2billion on Monday, offered to invest in her business in exchange for sex. 

Tech billionaire Richard White has settled his legal dispute with beauty entrepreneur Linda Rogan (above) who claimed he bought her a $13.1million mansion when they were lovers

At the centre of legal proceedings was a mansion Ms Rogan said Mr White bought for her to live in with her three children, at Vaucluse in Sydney‘s eastern suburbs.

Ms Rogan, who never moved into the house, claimed Mr White took back the keys after his partner Zena Nasser discovered they were in a sexual relationship.

Last year, Ms Logan successfully sought a local court order that 69-year-old Mr White reimburse her for $92,123 she allegedly spent on furnishing the Vaucluse house.

Mr White had that order overturned and in August issued a bankruptcy notice against Ms Logan, which she was seeking to have to have set aside.

Ms Rogan, who owns laser clinics in Sydney, Cairns and New Zealand, said she met Mr White through Ms Nasser, a former criminal defence lawyer.

Ms Nasser allegedly sent Ms Rogan an Instagram message in June 2022 which said: ‘We have some mutual friends and you came up on my page… I don’t do this ever but I was like I have to message this stunning lady x.’

A month later, Ms Nasser visited Ms Rogan’s Rose Bay clinic Bionik Wellness and introduced her to Mr White over Facetime.

Ms Rogan said she met Richard White, who until recently had an estimated wealth of $9.7billion, through his partner Zena Nasser. Mr White and Ms Nasser are pictured

The two women subsequently discussed meeting for dinner at Rockpool Bar & Grill, with Ms Nasser telling Ms Rogan, ‘You will meet Richard he is soo smart… ‘

Ms Rogan: ‘Should I invite my husband?’

Ms Nasser: ‘Richard doesn’t do well with men. Don’t tell him I said that. Hahaha.’ 

In another message Ms Nasser allegedly said Mr White would only be joining them ‘because I told him your helping me get sexy haha’.

Ms Nasser had also allegedly told Ms Logan, ‘Richard and I aren’t married we keep separate residences but usually together most nights.’

She continued: ‘I love it. He says he works I spend. It’s a match made in heaven.’

Ms Logan allegedly responded: ‘OMG. That’s the dream… Jesus. Amazing. Hahaha.’ 

According to an affidavit sworn by Ms Rogan, the trio met for dinner at Bambini Trust Restaurant & Wine Room in August.

Billionaire businessman Richard White allegedly told beauty entrepreneur Linda Rogan (above) 'Fark - you look stunning' after seeing her in a saucy video she sent on WhatsApp

‘During dinner, Richard said words to me to the effect of, “I’m an entrepreneur. I have a company, WiseTech. I’m a billionaire”,’ Ms Rogan said in her affidavit.

Ms Rogan said that following that dinner, Mr White offered to invest in her business and advised her partners would need to be bought out.

One of those partners was Ms Rogan’s husband Gil Sartena, from whom she had been separated since 2017 but still shared a house.

Ms Rogan said in her affidavit that during another August 2022 dinner, Mr White told her he had bought an apartment for Ms Nasser to live in and he could do the same for her.

Later that month, Ms Rogan and Mr White allegedly inspected the Vaucluse property, according to court documents.

When Ms Rogan sent Mr White a sultry video of herself on WhatsApp he allegedly replied one minute later by saying, ‘F F F Fark – you look stunning.’

Ms Nasser allegedly said of Mr White in an Instagram message to Ms Nasser, ‘take whatever you can of his knowledge’ and added, ‘I don’t get jealous… he knows that’.

Ms Rogan said in her affidavit she flew to New York on September 17, 2022, at the request of Mr White.

‘When I arrived at the Park Lane Hotel to check in, I was informed that only one suite had been arranged,’ she wrote.

‘I realised that Richard expected me to enter into a sexual relationship with him to fulfil the promise that he would invest in my business.

‘So I stayed with Richard in his suite and our relationship became sexual.’

Ms Rogan said upon her return to Sydney she was invited to Mr White’s home at Bexley where they discussed the purchase of the Vaucluse property.

Mr White allegedly told Ms Rogan: ‘The structure will ensure that no one will trace the property back to me or you. Zena will never know I own this house.

‘You will live in this house forever,’ Mr White allegedly told Ms Rogan after his lawyer bought it for $13.1million.

Ms Rogan alleged as she prepared to move into the house the next month she received a message from Ms Nasser, who said: ‘You didn’t have to lie… 

‘Richard admitted it… please don’t come near me again.’

At the centre of legal proceedings was this mansion Ms Rogan said Mr White bought for her to live in with her three children, at Vaucluse in Sydney 's eastern suburbs

According to Ms Rogan, she was told to hand back the keys to the house in November. It was sold in February last year for $11.5million.

Ms Rogan alleged Mr White’s bankruptcy action against her was ‘actuated by malice and is an abuse of process’ and wanted the application thrown out.

Sources close to Mr White confirmed he and Ms Nasser welcomed a daughter called Jasmine via surrogate in July.

Ms Rogan, who also owns laser clinics in Cairns and Auckland, was once touted as a potential cast member on reality program The Real Housewives of Sydney.

This post was originally published on this site


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