Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The biggest ‘deal breakers’ that are causing people to swipe left on your dating profile

  • Data from FindingTheOne has revealed the biggest deal breakers in dating
  • The survey found that singletons are looking for parental approval 
  • Data showed that tattoos and grammar also play a role in scoring a date

A new survey has outlined the biggest dating turn-offs that are causing people to swipe left on your profile and blocking you from finding your true love. 

Dating apps have become the go-to way for singles to meet their match with just a flick of their finger. 

And while profiles are completely customizable, according to data from, many lovers are focusing on the wrong things when it comes to creating their dating outlines. 

Instead of opting for edgy bad boys, singles are ready to get serious as they are searching for men who pass the ‘parental approval test’ while swiping. 

According to the data, 68 percent of companionless people have swiped left – or declined – lovers who they don’t think their parents will approve of. 

A new survey has outlined the biggest dating turn-offs that are causing people to swipe left on your profile and blocking you from finding your true love (stock image)

A spokesperson for FindingTheOne revealed: ‘Parental approval seems to be the silent force guiding many singles’ dating decisions, with new data revealing that people are factoring in what their parents would think before giving potential matches a chance.’

The study shows that the majority of singletons are still searching for a thumbs up from their parents in regards to their dating life. 

The survey, which involved 1,000 people, uncovered that 68 percent of people have swiped left on a match because they didn’t think their parents would approve, meaning that parental approval continues to lead romance options in the digital age.

Luckily, there are many ways you can ensure that your profile does pass this test. 

To make sure your dating profile shows that you are worthy of getting a mom’s seal of approval, you should avoid making any of these dire mishaps. 

‘Some of the biggest deal breakers for singles include lifestyle choices like smoking or drinking, with 38 percent of people saying they avoid matches who openly display these habits in their profiles – knowing their parents would likely disapprove. 

‘Education also plays a major role, with 33 percent of singles admitting they prioritize potential partners with a degree, believing their parents would only value higher education,’ the survey found. 

Financial stability also played a large part in whether singles would swipe right or left, with 29 percent of people revealing they would ditch those who had ‘low-paying’ professions. 

Dating apps have become the go-to way for singles to meet their match with just a flick of their finger (stock image)

Visible tattoos have also acted as an obstacle for those trying to find their match. 

According to the spokesperson: ’17 percent of singles admitted they’d swipe left on someone with multiple tattoos.’  

The survey described the ink as a sign of a ‘rebellious image.’ 

And it’s more than just your looks and your job that can get you thrown out of the dating pool, according to the data, if your grammar is off then you could be struggling to find yourself a date. 

‘Bad spelling or grammar in a profile is another significant turn-off for 26 percent of people, with many worrying that poor communication skills would fail to impress their family,’ the survey found

Meanwhile, 22 percent of people said political views played a factor while 12 percent cited religious beliefs as a deal breaker. 

Chloe, a single woman who took part in the survey, explained: ‘I grew up in a family where success is everything. My parents are both very career-driven and have always placed a lot of emphasis on financial independence.

‘Whenever I’m swiping on dating apps, the first thing I imagine is the conversation with my parents turning to what they do for work. It sounds harsh, but I know if I brought home someone without a strong career or ambition, they’d never take them seriously. If I know he won’t pass the “parent test,” I feel like it’s doomed from the start.’

Commenting on the survey findings, FindingTheOne’s dating expert, Sylvia Linzalone, added: ‘Parental influence plays a huge role in shaping our romantic choices. 

‘For many singles, their parents’ opinions about visible signs of rebellion, like tattoos or career choices, still hold a lot of weight. Singles are not just looking for someone they click with, but someone they believe will be approved by their family. It’s about avoiding conflict down the line.

‘It’s surprising, but people do consider how they’ll introduce someone to their family even in the early stages of a relationship. It’s not uncommon for individuals to swipe left on someone simply because they think their family wouldn’t be impressed by their job or appearance.’

This post was originally published on this site


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