Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Trump’s McDonald’s Visit According to the Left as Shown by AI Is the Funniest Video You’ll See Today


Don’t ever say that AI doesn’t have a place in society, because it certainly does a good job of helping the right mock the left. 

As you’ve likely seen by now, the left became unceasingly angry after Donald Trump decided to work a shift at McDonald’s in order to troll Kamala Harris and her campaign. Harris claimed she worked at McDonald’s when she was younger, but no one can corroborate this except her campaign and “a friend.” 


We know the move was a good one because of the avalanche of think pieces and reports that came out about it from the left, including the New York Times and the Washington Post. 

According to my colleague Brad Slager, the Times went so far as to dispatch a journalist to McDonald’s locations to have them critique his job performance. Naturally, they all thought Trump was just an awful employee: 

Now we get the latest stunted report, this one from the New York Times. The vaunted “Paper Of Record” decided that it was vital journalism to send out journalist Stefanos Chen to area McDonald’s locations and have the workers assess the work by the former president. Yes, seriously – he went out to the burger dens and had the professional fry cooks criticize Trump for doing the job wrong. Some of the critiques:

  • The box is, like, backwards. He doesn’t seem to know how to do it.”

  • You don’t throw salt like that.”

(For the record: It WAS Trump’s first day on the job.)

In total, Chen visited half a dozen McDonald’s locations around Manhattan to glean these hard measures. We might also add that in none of the photos did it appear the candidate wore a nametag, nor did it indicate he was a TRAINEE.


(READ: The New York Times Sinks Even Lower As They Obsess Over Trump’s McDonald’s Visit)

As the outrage rolled in from the left, naturally the right reacted with mockery, as is the natural order of things in this brave new world. To be fair, the best way to respond to overly severe people is to introduce levity then sit back as it makes them even angrier, but I digress. 

Here’s the greatest part about all this. The left actually created the very thing the right is using to mock them. You could say this is also the natural order of things, as well. 

A group called “Alien Super Show” crafted an AI rendition of Trump’s time at McDonald’s using the photos that were taken during his shift there. Alien Super Show says this is the “accurate” version of what would happen if Trump was a McDonald’s employee, which doesn’t make sense since Trump actually did work a shift there and did okay after minimal training. 

Rob Province took the video and gave it a new, more fitting explanation that is even more realistic than the description given to it by its own creators. 

“If you only read the NYTs or WaPo about Trumps campaign stop at McDonalds you’d be picturing exactly this….,” posted Province on X. 

Enjoy this masterpiece of a creation by leftists that is now only helping the right make fun of them. 


Eventually, AI will get to the point where it can easily create incredible scenes based on these photos, but I will miss the insane visuals current-gen AI give us. 

The funny part is that, if they still had total ownership over the big stage, the left would absolutely push the idea that Trump was just a chaotic mess and an idiot during his stint at McDonald’s, but thankfully, the internet provides many avenues to the truth. The left can only sit back and wish this happened. 

God bless the internet. 

This post was originally published on this site


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