Friday, September 20, 2024

Wake Up: Hamas Is the Barbarian


Hamas has once again showcased the terrorist group’s barbaric intentions, as six innocent hostages were brutally executed before Israel could rescue them from the group’s terror tunnels in Gaza. 


Now, in a chilling and cruel move, Hamas is releasing images of the slain hostages and threatening to release more, further torturing the families already grieving the loss of their loved ones at the hands of Hamas terrorists. These barbaric acts highlight the true nature of Hamas and its commitment to the destruction of Israel.  

Yahya Al-Sinwar, Hamas’ chief, knows releasing images of the slain hostages and videos will divide Israeli society and the world. He doesn’t care because he hopes this propaganda war will turn against Israel and the United States as people forget it was Hamas who launched an unprovoked attack against Israel on October 7, 2023, and recently executed six hostages hours before they could be rescued.  

Whether we like it or not, Americans are being targeted by the same evil forces attacking Israel. Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin became the latest victim when he was executed by his Hamas captors. Since Hamas’ brutal attack on October 7, 2023, the terrorists have killed more than 30 Americans. 

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Hamas, a terrorist organization, has repeatedly turned down ceasefire proposals, demonstrating its commitment to violence and terror. We need to understand a ceasefire is not peace. A ceasefire is merely a temporary pause in hostilities, often exploited by Hamas and other Iranian terrorist proxies to rearm. True peace can only be achieved when the threats posed by these groups are eliminated, allowing Israel to live securely within its borders.


The path to lasting peace must be rooted in the complete disarmament of Hamas and the unconditional release of all hostages. Any resolution that falls short of these demands would be a failure to address the root causes of the violence and a betrayal of the innocent lives shattered by this Iranian-funded terrorist regime. The international community must recognize Hamas, armed by Iran, is not interested in peace.

It is imperative that the United States stands firm in our support of Israel. Our ally requires unwavering backing to ensure it has the resources to defeat Iran and its terrorist proxies.  This conflict is not just about supporting a friend; it is about upholding the principles of freedom and democracy against the forces of hatred, tyranny, and extremism.

The narrative that Israel is the aggressor in this conflict is not only misleading but fundamentally false.  The true aggressor is Iran, which has strategically positioned itself as the puppet master behind various terrorist groups in the region, including Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen. These Iranian-backed proxies share a common agenda: the complete destruction of the Jewish state.  

Americans need to wake up. The so-called “peaceful” protests we’ve been witnessing in public spaces and on our college campuses throughout the United States are led by pro-terrorist sympathizers who have no regard for the innocent Palestinians caught in the crossfire. These sympathizers are driven by a deep-seated hatred for both Jewish people and the United States. 


The conflict is not merely a regional dispute; it is a battle between forces that seek to uphold human dignity and those that wish to erase it. Standing with Israel is not just about defending a sovereign nation; it is about defending the very principles that form the bedrock of civilized society. It is about ensuring terrorism, fueled by the Iranian regime, does not go unchecked and that those who seek to destabilize the world are met with resolute opposition.

A lasting solution to the conflict must address the root cause: the terrorist networks and the terrorist regimes that support them. Israel’s right to defend itself against existential threats is undeniable, and the United States must continue to support Israel in this fight.  

This post was originally published on this site


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