Tuesday, January 21, 2025

WATCH: MSNBC’s Joy Reid Waxes Idiotic, Goes Stand-Up Comic Over Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size


As the left-wing lapdog media continues to throw bitter hissy fits over President Donald Trump’s Monday inauguration, I was delighted to run across the latest comical commentary from MSNBC’s hopelessly racist host Joy Reid, who suffers from end-stage Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Why was I delighted? Because the idiocy continually spewed by this smug fool is low-hanging fruit for a conservative political pundit who also happens to speak fluent sarcasm.

Reid’s latest meaningless smug-fest came on Monday, as she further reduced herself by pushing a dopey “crowd size” hoax about the number of patriotic Americans who turned out at our nation’s Capitol on a bitterly cold day to celebrate what many believe will be a “new golden age” under Trump’s leadership.

Reid kicked off the comedy bit thusly (emphasis, mine):

No matter how you look at it, today has been an historical day for America. As any presidential inauguration is. But this one, atypical for many reasons. For one, it was indoors, presumably because of the weather. Though I should note that today’s chilly conditions were similar to those at President Obama’s first and outdoors inauguration in 2009, causing many to speculate that the move indoors had more to do with concerns that Trump couldn’t draw a sufficiently large crowd.

Joyless, you’re joking, right? 

Have you spent any time at all watching video of Trump’s rallies? Or the number of enthusiastic supporters at his “Make America Great Again Victory Rally” at the Capital One Arena in downtown Washington, D.C., on Sunday? 


WATCH: Here Are Some Highlights of the Trump Victory Rally

Maddow Meltdown: Far-Left MSNBC Host Sees the New Reality, and She Doesn’t Like It One Bit

How many more examples does this bitter leftist need? It doesn’t matter; no amount of proof would convince Reid and any of her equally-Trump-loathing colleagues to abandon their beyond-petty carping.

Unsurprisingly, Reid wasn’t the only TDS-riddled “journalist” to attempt to downplay the size of the inaugural crowd. Biden sycophant and ABC News White House Correspondent Mary Bruce also pushed to hoax.

It’s a huge change, and look. There’s no doubt that Donald Trump clearly wanted to have that image of him out on the west front of the Capitol taking the Oath of Office, and now that is all completely changed. The forecast we know is going to be brutal. 

The President-elect says he’s doing this because of the danger. It certainly, though, also lets them avoid the potential for smaller crowds because of the cold. It means he’s going to have less interaction with his supporters. We know that the image of the crowds is important to him

And look, these things are in the works for years. I mean, they have been putting up the reviewing stands since before the election.


Beyond clownish. 

Yo, Ms. Bruce. There isn’t a politician on the planet who doesn’t prefer a larger crowd than a smaller one, regardless of the reason. And pointing out that “these things are in the works for years,” and that “they have putting up the reviewing stands before the election” is nonsensical in a “so what’s different about preparation for this inaugural than any preparation” sense? 


The reality is that these fools still can’t get over Trump’s historic win and the reality that he will be in office for four glorious years — despite their every effort to do him in.

This post was originally published on this site


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