Wednesday, October 16, 2024

‘Who Is Running the Country?’ Heritage Foundation Files Motion Seeking Access to Any 25th Amendment Docs


Joe Biden is clearly growing worse day by day. It’s past the point where he’s maintaining his grip on the levers of power through any personal ambition or stubbornness; it’s very likely, indeed very apparent, that every day his grasp on reality grows ever more tenuous; he is being kept in place by persons unknown (although we may very well guess).


With growing doubt as to who is really running the country, the Heritage Foundation has filed a motion in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, seeking documents as to whether Vice President Harris or any Cabinet members have sought advice on 25th Amendment proceedings:

With President Biden declining more everyday, who is running the country?  
We just filed a motion seeking docs by Oct. 15 for records on whether Biden Admin. officials, including VP Harris, sought legal guidance on invoking the 25th Amendment.

You can view the entire motion here.

It’s a very real concern. Joe Biden is obviously, visibly, inarguably failing. His speech grows ever more stilted and confused, his expression either vacant or angry, his gait more stiff and shambling. He shows all the signs of advanced dementia, and it makes one wonder what medical measures are being resorted to, to keep the man upright and even as coherent as he is – which isn’t very.


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The United States is at an interesting (in the ‘ancient Chinese curse sense) point in our history, where we must navigate between the Scylla of a non compos mentis Joe Biden or the Charybdis of a Kamala Harris presidency, no matter how brief. Granted having Kamala Harris at the Resolute Desk for even a short span of days before the general election is likely to be the straw that broke the electoral camel’s back, it’s a question as to whether we can afford to have this ill-informed, irresponsible person as President of the United States at all.

But then, could things be any worse than having Joe Biden in charge?

It’s a safe bet that the Heritage Foundation’s motion will come to naught, not necessarily because the Harris/Biden administration isn’t hiding anything, but because there have been no 25th Amendment discussions – at least not any that have been documented or recorded. Until Joe Biden withdrew from his reelection campaign and allowed the Democratic Party to anoint Kamala Harris, the entire administration and party apparatuses were committed to the illusion of Joe Biden’s fitness, and they can hardly do a sudden about-face now to admitting that he’s so deteriorated as to require involuntary removal from office. 


But what if President Biden suffers some kind of breakdown between now and Inauguration Day? How will the administration react? Will the 25th Amendment then be finally invoked? Will Joe Biden’s family release, in his name, a resignation, allowing Kamala Harris to take the big chair, even if only for a few days?

The fact that we don’t have answers to these questions is what is really troubling.

This post was originally published on this site


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